Friday, March 13, 2009

A Few Things...

Here are a few things I'm excited about (in no particular order):

• My family!

• The 125 page transcript of Lucas, Spielberg and Kasdan hashing out Raiders Of The Lost Ark that has made its way online.

• Using Tweetie on my iPhone and Twitteriffic on my desktop.

• Next week's iPhone software update announcement.

• Oddly enough, this silly Twitter clone that asks, "What are you wearing?"

• Tonight's Battlestar Galactica.

• Rediscovering Dirt, the Alice In Chains masterpiece.

• Continuing to marinate in Gran Torino which I saw nearly a week ago.

• What the brilliant Joaquin Phoenix and the brilliant Casey Affleck are up to.

• Jon Stewart going head-to-head with CNBC's Jim Cramer -- the extended edition!

St. Patrick's Day.

1 comment:

lex said...

Dirt is a great record. I listen to it, still, every couple of months or so.